
Sunday, March 9, 2008


It's a sad day because Frank Glow died last night. He's been through a long and pretty merciless illness, and I guess the stock thing to say at times like these is "at least he's not suffering any longer." But that doesn't ever really address why people have to suffer at all, and seems to overlook the fact that a few more years of no illness or suffering would be the most preferable alternative.
Anyway, the thing that always struck me the most about Frank Glow was how he just seemed to move forward every day on a totally even keel. Never saw him mad, or frustrated, or even sick, before this thing. I attribute that to his being a tunnel rat in Vietnam, and having been shot in the head, taking out his eye. I think after that, you get a lot of perspective and wisdom about what is trivial and what's not. The probability that his illness was a long festering result of exposure to Agent Orange is a damn shame, too. But the very saddest part of all is that he won't get to see his baby grandaughter that Krista is going to have in June.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowed In (Sort Of)

Well, another storm is upon us, I think. It's hard to tell by looking out the windows, as it is finely sleeting, and doesn't really look bad. But the weather channel says we'll get another 8 inches or so of snow and the winds are supposed to pick up.

We are supposed to go to a wine tasting, which I have been expecting to be cancelled, but so far it is still on, and we have the tickets for ourselves and our friends so we have to go. Big problem is our snowplow guy hasn't been able to get his plow up here. We should get out ok, but i expect to park at the bottom of our hill to walk up when we get home.

Here are some pictures I took this morning on my walk. I hope as I post them it will remind me of why I like it here the other 99% of the time.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not So Icy Ice Storm

The ice storm predicted for last night was much milder than predicted, though it wasn't a total miss by the forescasters this time. I was watching the 4:00 am news (I can't believe Hillary Clinton pulled the comeback she needed...I totally don't get it) when the electricity went out. I berated myself for not doing the prep work I said I would do (showering in particular) and got Terry going to get a fire started. We then listened to a little transistor radio to hear the school closings. It reminded me of some old sci-fi movie, listening to a crackling radio to hear whether we were the last survivors on earth, rather than just trying to find out if school was out.

Well, school wasn't out, the electric came back on after just two hours, and it actually snowed more than anything. So I'll give two stars out of five to the weather forecasters.

A side note: I used a little Merlita Java Joe one cup coffee maker (basically a funnel shaped filter holder that holds a little funnel filter) to "brew" a cup of coffee using water heated on the wood stove. Jake won it as a door prize when we went to the GCC open house last week. (the coffee maker, not the wood stove) It seemed like a really rustic and clever way to have my coffee, but it sucked. It tasted bad and I think only furnished 1/4 of the caffeine. I'll try again with hotter water and see if it's worth giving up cupboard space to store it any longer.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Another False Alarm?

They are predicting a nasty ice storm for tonight, with 1/4 to 1/2 inches of ice expected to down tree limbs and power lines, etc. The last two predicted storms were anti-climatic to say the least... I hope this one is too. A snowstorm is pretty easy to dig out of and get back to business, an ice storm can really put a total stop to life as we know it for a few days. Then again, an ice storm makes for some awesome pictures, which I will post if it is not a false alarm this time.

I think I will go home and make sure I've showered (electric hot water heater) and that the laptop is charged. Terry can make sure there's firewood. I'll also fill up the van with gas - worse case we can go up and stay in there and watch movies and use the laptop.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

First Try at Pics (without Sarah)

Here's Jake and me at our snowshoeing adventure at the Genesee County Park. It was a really fun time. A manager from Eastern Mountain Sports brought snowshoes to rent, and together with a park employee presented a history of snowshoes to the 12 or so of us registered for the second of two hiking sessions. It began in the Interpretive Center at the park, which I was surprised to find contains lifelike dioramas of local wildlife, displays of local flora and fauna and ways of identifying them, and a hands on "Discovery Room" for kids. I was impressed with the professionalism of it, and the dedication of the park employees and volunteers (called Acorns)

I definitely have to make sure I take a camera on walks around the lake. Today (sans camera) Zeke and I disturbed 6 or 7 really large birds high in the tree canopy in the woods at the far south end of the lake. They were maybe turkeys or pheasants (no glasses with me either). I guess I'm surprised that either of those birds would be found as high in the trees as these were, and when they flew off it looked really unnatural - the same way a helicopter looks as though it should not be able to escape gravity and fly.

That's I'm going to try and get my picture here.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Why My Blog Sucks

My blog sucks beacause I have ADD. I am really grateful for all the blogs I've checked out recently, and realize that the ones I enjoy the most are maintained by bloggers with a unique obsessive interest or agenda, and I have too many of these to create a cohesive blog with an ongoing theme and personaltiy that would attract a devoted following of like-minded blog stalkers.

e.g. - here are things I have given a large percentage of my waking thoughts and turned over in my mind as blog worthy based on my fleeting obsession with each over the past couple of months.

1. American Idol

2. Ice fishing

3. Frugal Living (there are tons of single-minded bloggers on the topic)

4. Evolution (and people who really think the earth is only 6,000 yrs old - sorry Derek)

5. Astronomy (check out to address number 4 and 5)

6. Starting a freelance bookkeeping business

7. Sarah starting a cake making business (which we turn into a multi-million $$ franchise!)

8. The Caring Bridge website which provides a communication line for anyone dealing with with a major health crisis to keep their network of friends and family updated - the most poignant and in-your-face reality check ever - should be required daily reading for everyone. The recent passing of an Iraq war soldier fron injuries sustained in August 2007 is chronicled here: Just sad, and sucks and sucks and sucks.

9. Jake changing so awkwardly into a teenager, and how truly loyal he is - mostly to Julie's ex-boyfriends.

10. Getting Old--Sucks also. Looking around, I'd like to think that growing old gracefully is something that can be chosen, and that recognizing the things that predispose us to problems can help us avoid them. That's just what I like to think so I don't have to feel so bad about other people's issues as they get old, and that's what everyone will think when I get old too.

11. Tha area around Horseshoe Lake - We have taken some pictures, and I will probably put a few up in my next post. It really is beautiful after a fresh snow (which is EVERY DAY lately).

SO, my blog won't have a theme, or a cause, or a topic. I'll just try to make it not suck too bad.