
Thursday, June 5, 2008


I haven't been very good at blogging...I am going to commit myself more to it starting today.

We finished our hillscaping project and are pretty happy with ourselves. Terry used up the hemlock we had planned to use for siding the "house" to build a recycling bin, side our wood shed, and build me a lamppost for a solar lantern. He and our buddy Derm finished the shed roof last Saturday, and I painted it on Sunday. Terry nearly fell off the roof once - he was pretty quiet for awhile after that.

So now we can work on other things without the lumber and sawhorses and saws taking up most of the deck. We have to: get the party boat working, finish floor trim around pellet stove, put in new woodstove, finish trim and steps and doors on the 'shed' (which we are now calling the barn due to its size relative to the house) stain the recent railing spindles and railings and trim around decks, put the screen door up on the back door, and numerous one and two hour jobs that probable add up to two weeks. We're getting there.

Here's a picture of our finished east side - I am waiting for the buterflies to start flying around and all the bunnies to come hopping through.


sarah said...

that is so lovely. isaac can't wait to come trample all of your hostas!

Doove said...

I'll stop back in a couple months to read your next post.