
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not So Icy Ice Storm

The ice storm predicted for last night was much milder than predicted, though it wasn't a total miss by the forescasters this time. I was watching the 4:00 am news (I can't believe Hillary Clinton pulled the comeback she needed...I totally don't get it) when the electricity went out. I berated myself for not doing the prep work I said I would do (showering in particular) and got Terry going to get a fire started. We then listened to a little transistor radio to hear the school closings. It reminded me of some old sci-fi movie, listening to a crackling radio to hear whether we were the last survivors on earth, rather than just trying to find out if school was out.

Well, school wasn't out, the electric came back on after just two hours, and it actually snowed more than anything. So I'll give two stars out of five to the weather forecasters.

A side note: I used a little Merlita Java Joe one cup coffee maker (basically a funnel shaped filter holder that holds a little funnel filter) to "brew" a cup of coffee using water heated on the wood stove. Jake won it as a door prize when we went to the GCC open house last week. (the coffee maker, not the wood stove) It seemed like a really rustic and clever way to have my coffee, but it sucked. It tasted bad and I think only furnished 1/4 of the caffeine. I'll try again with hotter water and see if it's worth giving up cupboard space to store it any longer.

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